A statue of Buddha submerged under the water and debris.
Morakot lashed Taiwan with at least two metres (80in) of rain over the weekend.
To some parts of the world, that may be the amount of rainfall for a whole year.
Economic losses due to Morakot have been estimated at U.S. $274 million.
There were reports of a whole village that has gone submerged under mudslides. Also instances where some people lost a total of 17 family members or more to the mudslide all at once.
Many countries including Singapore will be taking part.
I think I would definitely like to go there in May 2010. Anyone wanna go too?
Xi Meng Ding is very vibrant and with many eateries and small trendy shops which explains why this area is so popular with the youngsters. The black woolly jacket I'm wearing is bought from a shop there.......it is very stylish, with the zipper in front that's slanted across your body - the hood can be folded to review a very furry side that makes it appear like i wearing a fur scarf.
Next day I went to Jiu Fen - 九份. Having seen so many Taiwanese TV program showcasing this place, I told myself I must definitely include 九份 in my itinerary.
And also a jacuzzi bathtub.....off the lights in the washroom and the bath has multi-coloured lights. Not to forget that they has a built in flat screen TV mounted so that you can watch TV while you soak your fatique away.......mmmmm........
Besides a 32 inch LCD TV, the room comes equipped with a clock radio, DVD player and even a microwave oven! All the appliances (well with the exception of the microwave oven) can be controlled by a single universal remote - which you can even use to draw the curtains!!!