23 August 2007
U probably won't be reading this. But I think it's better for me to write it out.
They say it's better to write it out as seemingly may be better able to release stress and letting go.
Now I wonder.....
When the train reaches that familiar station - do I hope to see your face...
When I go Soup Spoon, should I have the Velvety Mushroom Soup...
When I go Sentosa, should I go to our favourite spot...
Should I cycle there? should I tan? Should I even go at all...
20 August 2007
陳奕迅 - 淘汰
When you gone past the 'you're so cute/adorable', 'miss you already' stage, next comes the I wonder if I just said something stupid stage. Then there's so many guess work on who's the one calling you now.....who sms you on what. Very tiring.
14 August 2007
07 August 2007
BKK again...haha

In the Grand Palace in front of the Monkeys that supports the Golden Chedi.
Depositing the coins into the 108 bowls at Wat Pho for good luck and blessings.
When you enter Wat Pho, remember to go to the ticketing counter to get your entrance tickets - it's 50baht per person. At the entrance, there's usually no guard, no barriers, no arrows to tell you where to get your ticket (depending on which entrance you enter by). After paying for the entrance, remember to ask for a receipt if you're not issued any as there isn't any tickets being issued and the receipt serves as the ticket.
This trip I travelled via JetStar and was quite surprised and happy that they actually allows you to select your seats online. But there's some facilitation charge of $6 per pax which they did not explain what that was for - seats selection?
However to my disappointment, when I checked in on my departure morning, I was dismayed to be informed by the check in staff that there are no more seats side by side for me and my friend. Upon my querying about my seats selection online, which he could not provide any explanation. except that he mumbled that there weren't any seats allocated beforehand - then he verified with us if we're ok to seat at the rows at the emergency exits.
We obliged but when we board the plane, we then realised we were both allocated aisle seats! That wasn't very nice.
Imagine the plane's seats are
Window A B C [ aisle ] D E F Window
and we were given seats C and D.
The funny thing is, when we check in for our flight back to Singapore from Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi's Int'l Airport, we did not have such problems. The staff promptly inform us that the seats has already been pre-selected and allocated us the seats. I've drafted a letter to JetStar to ask for an explanation why this is so.